Things didn't go too bad. At the risk of boring you (and you are reading this, so you must not have a lot to do) I will give you a step by step.
I waited in the waiting room for a short time after which they called my name. Richard went in to a
special waiting room and I went into an examination room. After asking me questions and getting vitals they laid me on a table and started to shoot me full of local anesthetic. Then the doctor cut a piece of my forehead off, put a bandage on me and sent me to wait with Richard. In the
special waiting room they have recliners for the patients to use, so I used it. After a wait of about 45 min. to an hour they had me come back in to the exam room and took some more skin off. Same procidure as before. Again waiting in the room. Then one more time they cut some skin off and waiting. Yeah the good news! No more cancer cells, they got them all. So now they bandage me up and send me on my way with just a few instructions.
Thursday I am off to a plastic surgeon. THAT should be fun.
Love to you all.