A Mother's Rant: Her name is Lilia Rebekah

Monday, December 29, 2008

Her name is Lilia Rebekah

Clifford called this morning at 5:00 am our time (10 pm Monday his time).
In his usual style he told us all about the ultra sound and how healthy the baby is etc. until he got to the information we were all waiting to hear. It is a girl and her name is Lilia Rebekah. She is perfectly healthy and normal.
So, my first grandchild will be a girl. Yeah!
Love you all.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger Messy Jess said...

Oh, the first one is always special...congratulations!

Not that I know...just speculation!

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Hesses Madhouse said...

Congratulations!!! So excited for you all!

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Grace said...

i am so happy for you debra!!! You must be so excited. Lelia is a beautiful name! Congratulations again


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