A Mother's Rant: The Bathroom Remodel

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Bathroom Remodel

On Wednesday, October 31st they (John the Remodeler and Edwardo, his assistant) tore apart my bathroom. The tub went, the toilet went, the sink and the vanity went. Also, most of the floor went to the dump. It was a little depressing to look at my bathroom with nothing in it, but I thought this would all be for the greater good. I will soon have a new bathroom.
Here we are on Monday and it doesn't look that much different than Thursday. There is a floor (not a real floor, a "sub-floor". In case the real floor can't show up we have a sub in place?), there also are glass blocks in place of a window.
I cannot go to the bathroom or shower or brush my teeth, or even wash clothes. The water is turned off.
The plumber is suppose to come today and put in the tub. Maybe he will put in the toilet at the same time. That would be nice. But I'm not counting on it.
On the upside it helps to keep my mind off where Clifford is and what he might be doing or being done to him in SERE training.
I love you all.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger Wodin said...

Sorry you don't have a toilet yet. Maybe you can pin the remodler down and twist his arm until he cries "Uncle!" and works through the night until the toilet is in.


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